
A free valentines ecard latte love, which can personalise and send online.  Add your special message and send to your valentine.  On the front of the card are two coffee cups, one of latte love, and one of latte laughs.  A fun valentines card with a smiley face character in one cup, and a loving heart in the other cup.  You can schedule a valentines ecard latte love or send on the 14th February.  Surprise the recipient as the cards pops open. See how it works.

Want to know more about the Art of Latte making and the designs made on top of the drink:

Latte art is all about the science of milk.

You can’t make latte art by pouring in regular milk to coffee, now can you? No, the reason that you can make shapes in coffee has to do with science. To make what’s known as “microfoam,” which is what’s poured into your cup, baristas add steam to the milk and rapidly heat it, thereby altering the physical characteristics of the milk, in scientific terms called “denaturing.”

Milk is made up of fat, sugar and proteins. When you steam milk, the fat breaks down and the sugars break down as well, into smaller, simpler sugars.  This actually makes the milk taste sweeter.

Then comes the question of pouring milk into the espresso, which is where the physics come into play. The barista pours so as to get the milk in first, and then finish with the foam, in order to create the design.